Entertainment Industry
“Am I living in a way which is deeply satisfying to me, and which truly expresses me?”
~Carl R. Rogers
Your job is also your passion.
That means you’re open to going the “extra mile” to make a project great. It also means longer hours, more stress, and navigating difficult personalities at work. And, of course, there’s dealing with everything in your personal life.
Let’s be honest, working in the entertainment industry is one of the hardest jobs in the world.
Therapy can help you deal with the unique pressures of working a job that you love, but a lifestyle that is challenging.
You can feel calm and centered again.
We’ll work together to reduce the anxiety and depression that comes from juggling work and your personal life.
People with fast-paced jobs have said that therapy helps them slow down their thinking and understand themselves better. During therapy, we talk through things. But I also interweave mindfulness, guided imagery, and breathing techniques that help you feel recharged.
Let’s reignite your creative vision for your life!
It’s hard to maintain creativity and happiness daily without knowing where you’re headed.
Once we address the immediate challenges such as low mood or relationship difficulties, we can focus on the “big picture.” What do you really, really want and why – and maybe have even been afraid to say out loud.
Once you gain clarity about your long-term goals, you can determine the changes in your life that feel most important to make. You will also notice areas of your life that you feel good about… that you may not have recognized before.
You’d like to get started…. but your schedule is hectic.
I offer convenient weekend, evening, and appointments from the convenience of your computer to make it accessible to attend your session… instead of feeling like another “to-do” on your list.
For Performing Artists:
“Learning how to love myself and my body is a lifelong process. But I definitely don’t struggle the way I used to. Therapy helped me realize that maybe it’s okay for me to communicate my feelings. Instead of literally stuffing them down with food, maybe it’s okay for me to express myself.”
~Kerry Washington
Another audition.
Another job booked where lots of travel is required. A lot of waiting around on set… and at home. Other people feel like you’re living this “movie star” life. But it feels tough – really tough –at times.
It’s hard to know who to talk to about your true feelings. Sometimes you just feel like you’re stuck in your own head. Other times you just want to cry.
And the most frustrating part is that when you book that amazing role you’ve been waiting for your whole career, the part itself can bring up some things from your past that you’ve never fully dealt with.
Even if you’re mood feels fine, sometimes your auditions and performances just feel “off” or less connected.
Performing artists often use therapy as a time to work on improving their performance. I use performance psychology techniques to assist you to feel confident going into auditions or new jobs on set.
Your job requires a lot of you. Lots of uncertainty, emotional vulnerability, hyper-focus on your “look” and body. Essentially, a lot of your soul.
I understand these unique challenges and am here to help in a confidential, creative, and warm environment.
Perform at your BEST.
Therapy can help improve your mood and your performance.
Whether it’s managing stress of being on set, gaining confidence around booking your next job, working through body image struggles, or working through difficult life experiences that impact your mood, I can help.
The more you understand yourself and emotional life, the better your work can be as a performer.
Let’s talk!
It’s easy to take the next step. Go ahead and Schedule a Call at a convenient time.